Spring Allergies and Your Pet: Tips from Our Vet Clinic
Spring is a beautiful season that brings us longer daylight hours, warm sun-filled days, and vibrant blooming flowers. However, for many Victorians, it also heralds the onset of allergies – not just for themselves but for their furry companions as well.
We’ve noticed a significant increase in pets suffering from itchy skin and allergies during this season. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with valuable tips to help your pets cope with the pollen onslaught and make the most of springtime.
Understanding Your Pet’s Discomfort
Dogs and cats often manifest allergy symptoms through their skin. The first sign to watch for is itchy, irritated skin. You may observe your dog excessively licking their paws, tummy, and legs. Scratching, chewing, and biting at their skin are common signs as well. Additionally, you might notice an increase in shedding, which can be attributed to allergies. In some cases, itchy ears, marked by scratching and head shaking, can develop, potentially leading to painful ear infections.
Bath Time
Bathing your pet may not always be a walk in the park, but it can be an effective way to remove allergens from their fur.
“I often advise clients to rinse their allergic dogs with just cool water as often as possible, ideally every day. Getting dogs to play with the owner with water from a hosepipe is a good way to do this,” says Senior Private Vet Dr. Nico Maritz.
Additionally, consult your veterinarian for soothing, moisturizing shampoos that can help alleviate itchiness and provide relief from allergies.
Flea Control for Added Comfort
Spring and summer are prime seasons for fleas, which can exacerbate skin allergies in dogs with sensitive skin. To prevent fleas from becoming part of the problem, use veterinary-recommended flea control products on all dogs and cats in your household. This proactive approach ensures your pets stay comfortable and itch-free.
Seeking Professional Guidance
Allergic skin disease is a complex condition with various triggers. While pollen is one potential culprit, other factors like dust mites, specific dietary proteins, or flea saliva can also contribute to allergies.
To accurately diagnose and effectively treat your pet’s condition, it’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide personalized guidance and prescribe the most suitable treatment to relieve your pet’s discomfort.
With a few lifestyle adjustments and the right care, you can help your pets fully enjoy the beauty of spring, from the blossoming flowers to the warm sunshine. By identifying allergy symptoms early, timing outdoor activities wisely, maintaining proper hygiene, preventing fleas, and seeking professional veterinary advice, you can ensure that this spring is a season of comfort and joy for your beloved companions!